Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kapan, Iran, and Pizza Hut!

Wow where to begin!? We have had 3 weeks of teaching and a week of outreach since we last updated! The teaching was good, deep stuff! One week was about how our wounds and sin affect our relationship with God and others and how to get rid of the bad stuff. Another week was about intimacy with God: hearing His voice, walking with Him day by day, and having fear of God instead of fearing man. Really good time of just focusing on knowing Him more and more. He is so mighty and infinite! We had fellowship with a Creative DTS team from Norway who came to Armenia for outreach and joined us in Kapan. It was a blessing to have them, and Evan and I got to perform together at a coffee house night they hosted. First performance out of the states whoo! It was really fun :) You can see the video here http://youtu.be/-PArKoxc0Go Then we had a week of Encountering the world of Islam course. It was eye opening, challenging, and very interesting to learn about our Muslim neighbors; created in God's image who we are called to love. We learned about the religion itself and a lot about the culture of people living in Muslim countries.

Then we got to put into practice what we have been learning with a week in Yerevan! Last week began the Islam new year holiday and thousands of Iranians came into Armenia to celebrate in freedom. We made the long, scary drive through the mountains (these roads are nothing like America) and we got the great opportunity to meet people and make friends! It was so cool for us to learn about their culture and just hang out with them, not something we get to do in America much. If you would like to hear more about the time there just ask we would be happy to share! We did have some frustrations as our 1st time doing outreach together, but overall we really enjoyed the experience. And of course Evan and I enjoyed the comforts of a big city: always running water, good food, restaurants, Pizza Hut, KFC, etc :) It was a busy, tiring week but also a refreshing break from the classroom.

Now we are back in Kapan for just 3 more weeks of classes! This week the topic is church planting with 2 guys from Norway and 2 girls from Latvia. I have already been reminded of the great blessing it was to be a part of the core team at River Church! I can only say good things about what they continue to do; love and serve others and share that I experienced a loving family there in a whole new way.

AND finally, we know where we will go for OUTREACH.... 3 weeks in Georgia then 4 or 5 weeks in ISRAEL!!! We are very excited!! The Lord continually spoke to our team about Israel during many times of prayer together. In the coming weeks we will seek His guidance for ministry opportunities, accommodations, visas for 2 team members (not so easy), and finances for the team. We did not anticipate traveling that far for outreach and it so we need God to provide more. Some students still don't have enough to cover even just the lecture phase. We trust that He will continue to provide for the expenses to where He calls us. He is always faithful! Please keep us and our team in your prayers regarding all these things! Your prayers are powerful and have great impact in God's Kingdom!

Today I shared about my life with the team. As I prepared and looked back at this journey I have been on I am full of joy. Joy that I have love and peace in my life and freedom that can come only through Jesus Christ. My pain and shame is gone! His grace is more than we can imagine and it is always enough to save us! This great adventure that I have found by following Christ is full of more fun and happiness than I have ever known or found in the world. All the traveling, concerts, parties, and drugs don't compare to the new life I live with Christ. My dad Always told me, "Don't do anything you'll regret." I always thought I don't have regrets, these experiences make me who I am. But now I can see I regret not having a relationship with Jesus sooner because I had pain instead of His great joy!

Shout outs: Congrats to Alex & Tiffany Baker on their MARRIAGE!! May your lives be full of God's love and blessings!
Congrats to Peter & Tanya & family, on getting their new boy Will from China!! It has been so amazing to see God lead and provide for their China adoption. God bless your family!!
Congrats to Will on his baptism! Blessings to you beloved brother!

We love you all, blessings!

Kapan, March 17 snow covered
 Evan leading worship at International Church in Yerevan
Mt. Ararat, where Noah's Ark landed!
 Typical Armenian mountain village
Republic Square, Yerevan

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Latest from Kapan!

Wow where can I start!? So much happens each week and we are almost finished with week 7! We have 5 weeks of lecture phase left, one of those will be spent in Yerevan doing outreach to Muslims for the Iranian new year. We have been praying as a team about where we will go for the 2 month outreach. God has definitely been speaking and guiding those times of prayer through pictures, words, visions, and Scripture; but we continue to seek clarity. It is an exciting process!
Since the last post we had a week on Holy Spirit & spiritual gifts with an American couple who are missionaries to Turkey. That was a great week for me! Holy Spirit really spoke to me in new ways and renewed passions :) We learned a lot about our authority in Christ as well, to do His works and to stand against the enemy! Mark 16:15-20- Jesus has sent us All to preach with signs following! But most importantly, we must know God and always keep Him at the center of our lives. When we do, everything is answered. Out of the presence of God, comes the power of God. Please draw near to Him and ask Him to draw you near.
The following week was Identity in Christ with a YWAM leader from Norway. He taught about God's love for us and the joy of Christ. And our identity in Him. How cool is it that we are seated with Christ in heaven because God loves us so much!? Ephesians 2:4-7 now that is something to be joyful about everyday! And of course more repentance and healing (seems to be a constant theme here). Are you learning to love more each year? What is hindering you from receiving and giving love?

Last week brought 2 YWAM guys from Russia, sharing about priorities, preparing for the return of Christ as His bride, Christ's fulfillment as the tabernacle, and evangelism. This week and next we have a couple from Canada who have been with YWAM for 25 years and lived all over the world. The material this week about our sinful personalities, wounds, and healing has been really great! I'm sure their 2 weeks here will be very fruitful!
As for us, we are doing well and thankful for this great time! As the only Americans here, the cultural and language difference is still a struggle, but God is good and He brought us here with purpose! Water has been a problem for the last couple of weeks making it difficult to do dishes, shower, or do laundry; but it seems okay the last couple of days. Praise God! We are growing closer to our Savior and closer to one another in our marriage through everything. Last Sunday Evan led worship and shared his testimony at the church which was great. This week has been sunny and warm and really lifted our moods to spend time outside!

We have a couple of prayer requests: First for clarity and direction for where God wants our team to do outreach. For financial provision for our team. Many of the students here are still in need of much more to cover the cost of the school. They are all ages, from different countries, and they all have a huge heart for the Lord. Some have left their children and wives behind to come, jobs, etc. Even when everyone raises the money they need it still doesn't cover all the costs of the program and outreach. If you are interested in sponsoring a student or giving to the school please let us know! And last, for our direction after our time here is finished this summer. Sorry this is long but I hope you enjoy. Here is a video of our house
More pics to come, internet is too slow right now. We love and miss you all! We are very grateful for your prayers and love hearing from you!

ps. If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus and you think this all sounds crazy, please call out to Him and welcome Him into your heart! God's love given to you through Christ on the cross is more than anything you can imagine in this world. He sent His Only son to earth to die on the cross to save YOU, so that He can have a loving relationship with YOU. His salvation brings love, joy, peace, and freedom like you can't find in anything else (and I looked in A lot of other places!) 
Love and joy,